Sunday 6 November 2011

nasofix honest review

hi guys

this is a review of nasofix the nose reshaper

it actually guarantees that it can give ur nose the shape u want

this product is to be wear for 10-15 mins a day and results are noticible after 10 days as guaranteed by
the company but every nose is different

it might take u a month to see result but the results are quite positive as experience and rated by it users

this is how it works:

1. Wash face with mild soap and water and make sure that the nose is free from dirt and oil.
2. Place Nasofix™ at the problem areas:
A. For flat nose, place the Thermasilica™ at the area that you want to elevate. This also applies to patients with midcartilagenous regression which is evident when the middle bridge of the nose is very low making the top bridge and tip prominent.
B. For big bulbous nose, place the Thermasilica™ at the tip making sure that the middle part of the nose down to the tip are compressed.
C. For dorsal hump, align Nasofix™ making sure it’s bridge shield is at the level of the dorsal hump. Put it normally and press the bridge shield against the hump. The Thermasilica™ will normally move up and front to allow the bridge shield to compress the dorsal hump. Alternatively, you can place the Thermasilica™ at the area below the hump to elevate the area thus hiding the dorsal hump.
D. For wide nose, place the Thermasilica™ at the widest portion of the nose.
E. For long noses, you need to wear Nasofix™ upside down pushing the nose back with the bridge shield while maintaining its normal shape using the Thermasilica™.
3. Maintain placement for 10 minutes. Avoid holding the device or changing its position.
4. Remove the device
5. Clean the device with alcohol and store in a dry place.
6. Repeat this process daily for 10 days. For permanent results, maintain a consistent routine for 1 month.
7. u can contact nasofix for any inquiries and concerns at